So your planning a baby huh? For some of us it just happens easily..."surprise!" For others it takes a bit of work for a bundle of joy to be made. Here is what you need to know about trying to conceive.
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You must know when you Ovulate
Ovulation occurs when the ovary release a ripe egg. Around or during this time you will usually have a white egg yolk discharge. The Egg only lives for 12-24 hours, however sperm can live up to 5 days in a women's body. Your most fertile days are 1-2 before ovulation. So timing is key.
How to Know When Your Ovulating
There are several different ways people use to predict ovulation. The Calender Method, means you count the days from your last period to your fertile time. A free site that will help you tremendously is Some people use the Basal Body Temperature Method. In this case you use a Basal Thermometer (a special thermometer that measures to the hundredth degree to detect a slight change in body temperature) and look for a change in body temperature from 0.4-1.0 degrees difference. The method that I would recommend most is Ovulation Test. It seems to be the most accurate and simplest way to know when you are ovulating.
Things to Avoid While Trying to Get Pregnant
- Smoking: If your not a smoker you have nothing to worry about. If you are, you should probably quit anyway. It's healthier for you and your future baby.
- A Poor Diet: The goal is to be at a stable weight, not eating too much or too little. Avoid food filled with empty nutrients. Increase vegetables and fruits.
- Stress: Stress can effect the functioning of the hypothalamus, a gland in your brain that helps control your emotions and the hormones that tell your egg to release.
- Pesticides: The chemicals found in pesticides can impair the reproductive system. Not just in females but males also.
Things to Do While Trying to Get Pregnant
- Get In Shape: Exercise is good for your health, and conception
- Lay in Bed: After intercourse you should lay in bed for about 10 minutes or longer. No, you don't have to lay with your pelvis up in the air...this will not increase your odds.
- Take Vitamins: Folic Acid 400mg, B6 & B12 50mg & Zinc 30mg. Almost every vitamin is good for your overall health and the healthier you are the greater your chances of conception. Avoid taking an access of Vitamin A, C & D.
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