Sunday, December 11, 2011

Mom's After Baby Survival Gear

I'm not going to sugar coat it for you, taking care of a newborn isn't all sugar, spice and everything nice. It's a lot of hard work. However, there are some things that come in handy and make life after baby, run a bit more smoothly.

Electric Breast Pump & Extra Breast Milk Storage Containers
If you are planning on breast feeding, having a breast pump is a must. If you are strictly feeding right from the breast, it puts a large strain on you and your sleeping schedule. If you are breast feeding and can store extra milk in the fridge (or freeze large quantity's) then it takes some of the stress off of you. Your partner, family member or friend can help with feedings, while you catch up on some much needed rest. Its a general rule that breast milk stays good 3-5 days in the fridge and freeze it 3-6 months. However if you don't have to freeze, don't. Freezing breast milk can kill some of the anti-bodies.

Breast or Bottle Feeding Pillow
Breast and bottle feeding baby may not always be the most comfortable. Keeping your body in an awkward position for hours will leave you worn. Neck ache, back ache, and muscle fatigue are all common complaints from new mommy's. Feeding pillows were made to eliminate these problems by promoting proper posture and comfort while nursing your little one.

A Good Water Bottle
When your body is in overdrive it is very important to stay hydrated. This will help both your strength and health. With all the chaos of a newborn it may be easy to forget that you need to take care of yourself also, but take a breather to hydrate your body, so you can keep going strong!

Some Good Ole Extra Strength Tylenol
For a couple of weeks after birth your body is still recovering. Aches and pains are to be expected. Not only did your uterus contract to become larger, but now it has to contract to become smaller again. You are probably going to have back and muscle aches, and your sure to have a headache or two. Make sure to keep some pain relievers around, otherwise you will surely regret it. 

Portable Infant Swing
The swing reminds baby of the comforting swaying motion from the womb. If baby wakes up in the middle of the night and just wants comfort, your little one will find it in the snug fit and rocking motion of the swing and most likely fall fast asleep. While holding and rocking a baby in your arms is always first choice, sometimes (like middle of the night) it's ok to have something else to the work.

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